Category: Science Fiction

A great example of dystopian fiction

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Dystopian fiction seeks to illuminate the consequences of the bad choices we make today. Goodhouse follows in this tradition by extrapolating into the late 21st Century one of America’s most troublesome present-day realities. It satirizes our...

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On the road to transhumanism

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Let’s say you want to write a superhero story without superheroes. What do you do? Simple. You endow ordinary people with superhuman intelligence and enhanced senses by implanting something in their brains. Chips, maybe. Or nanocytes. Then suddenly...

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Surviving an extinction event

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes When we read a science fiction novel, we’re entitled to expect three things. A story that’s at least minimally plausible. Suspense about how the action will unfold. And a style of writing that clearly conveys what happens in language that communicates...

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Recovering from the Apocalypse

When COVID first struck with lethal fury a few years ago, the pessimists among us conjured up visions of a landscape devoid of human life. Bodies in the streets and on the roads. Cities everywhere depopulated. Farmlands lying fallow for lack of attention. Government services failing to...

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Science Fiction Monday header

Monday's Newsletter

Science Fiction Monday includes my latest SF book review, with links to other science fiction content.

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Science Fiction Monday header

Monday's Newsletter

Science Fiction Monday includes my latest SF book review, with links to other science fiction content.

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Tuesday's Newsletter

Tuesday's Newsletter

Mysteries & Thrillers Tuesday includes my latest mystery and thriller book review, with links to other science fiction content.

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Wednesday's Newsletter

Wednesday's Newsletter

Nonfiction Wednesday includes my latest nonfiction book review, with links to other nonfiction content.

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The Weekly Newsletter

Thursday's Newsletter

The Weekly includes summaries and links to all the previous week’s three to five book reviews, including some that don’t appear in any of the other newsletters.

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Science Fiction Monday header

Monday's Newsletter

Science Fiction Monday includes my latest SF book review, with links to other science fiction content.

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Tuesday's Newsletter

Tuesday's Newsletter

Mysteries & Thrillers Tuesday includes my latest mystery and thriller book review, with links to other science fiction content.

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Wednesday's Newsletter

Wednesday's Newsletter

Nonfiction Wednesday includes my latest nonfiction book review, with links to other nonfiction content.

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The Weekly Newsletter

Thursday's Newsletter

The Weekly includes summaries and links to all the previous week’s three to five book reviews, including some that don’t appear in any of the other newsletters.

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