Apocalyptic visions abound in science fiction. From asteroid collisions to nuclear holocaust to super-volcanoes, there’s no lack of lurid images for the extinction of all life on Earth. But our planet’s 4.5-billion-year history tells us that something less extreme is much more likely. For example, even the most virulent and lethal pandemic will no doubt leave survivors. And that’s the premise for Alice Sabo’s five-book series of post-Apocalyptic novels, A Changed World. In fact, in Desperate Measures, the series’s conclusion, one American community has already taken the first long, difficult steps back to a secure and comfortable life. And we can be reasonably sure there are other such settlements scattered about the planet.
Five central characters throughout
In each of the four novels preceding Desperate Measures, we’ve met the principal characters who carry the story. High Meadow Med Center has morphed into High Meadow Town. But the same five people hold our attention.
- Angus and Tilly Moss, the resourceful founders of the community.
- A former special forces soldier named Martin who heads the militia, which is now divided into three specialist forces.
- A former FBI agent named Nick who handles trade negotiations with the farms and smaller communities around the region.
- Wisp, an android (“biobot”) with the capacity to read emotions at a distance. He roams the region, seeking others who need help, bringing many of them to High Meadow.
Desperate Measures (Changed World #5 of 5) by Alice Sabo (2018) 243 pages ★★★★☆
A thriving town in a region striving for normalcy
Ten years have passed since Year Zero, when the first wave of the “flu” wiped out more than half the Earth’s population. And High Meadow has begun to resemble a town in the old sense of the word. Well over 5,000 people live there now, and the number continuously increases. Trade relations with the surrounding farms and smaller communities are robust. Specialized crafts and trades are reemerging. A well-trained militia defends the town, patrols the newly-claimed borders of the larger region, and roams throughout the territory, seeking any who need help. And Angus has introduced a form of currency, using it as a means to reward members of the community for their work. Because everyone works at High Meadow. There’s no alternative short of succumbing to the ravages of the annual spring “flu” or the inertia of despair.
So, it’s taken ten years. But High Meadow now appears to be on the way to a stable future. And, though Sabo is not a literary stylist, her storytelling skills are strong. We care about the people of this vibrant and caring community.
About the author
Alice Sabo describes herself as “the author of character driven stories in post-apocalyptic, space opera, fantasy and mystery series.” She has written more than twenty-five novels in seven series of books. Sabo is an independent author who publishes and promotes her own work.
For related reading
I’ve reviewed all the earlier books in this series. Here they are in order:
- Lethal Seasons (The Apocalypse unfolds in this gripping science fiction novel)
- Scattered Seeds (Eking out existence in a fast-changing world)
- Gleanings (Humanity begins to recover from the Apocalypse)
- Lessons Learned (Recovering from the Apocalypse)
And you’ll find all five books in the series at This unusual post-Apocalyptic tale is hopeful.
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