Alternate history is a curious branch of science fiction—or, perhaps more properly, of speculative fiction. Because the factors that limit the author’s imagination aren’t the boundaries of science but those of history itself: reality. To work, alternate history must be believable in the context of what we know of our past. In Ha’penny, the second volume of her Farthing Trilogy, accomplished British science fiction and fantasy writer Jo Walton has achieved that, and more. She has written a gripping alternate history that illuminates the past with her artful imagination.
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
In Farthing, the first book of the trilogy, Nazi Germany and England had signed a peace treaty in 1941. That left Hitler dominant on the Continent—before the seminal events that drew the US and the USSR into the war. And now, eight years later, the “Farthing Set,” the group of right-wing aristocrats credited with ending the war, is poised on the brink of power. Farthing—combining alternate fiction with a murder mystery—tells the story of the violence that facilitated their ascent to power.
Ha’penny (Farthing Trilogy #2) by Jo Walton (2007) 332 pages ★★★★★
A gripping alternate history that’s not far-fetched
How could this have happened in the seat of democracy? But it’s not so far-fetched. “England is like a country of sleepwalkers, walking over the edge of a cliff,” Walton writes, “and has been these last eight years. You’re prosperous, you’re content, and you don’t care what’s going on on the other side of the Channel as long as you can keep on having boat races and horse shows and coming up to London to see a show . . .” After all, most of us only pay attention to politics if we think it’s getting in the way of living our lives.
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Ha’penny picks up the story shortly after the Farthing Set has settled into 10 Downing Street. The scene shifts from the country home in the village of Farthing where the first book was set to London’s theater district. There, Viola Lark, one of the six notorious Larkin sisters, has achieved stardom on the stage. She is set to begin production of a production of Hamlet, with herself in the title role in the theatrical fashion of the age. Viola cares only about the theater. She’s indifferent to politics. But the novel tells the fascinating tale of her gradual immersion in a plot to put an end to the fascist Farthing regime that has recently risen to power.
The central characters are modeled on the real-life Mitford sisters
At the center of the story are the aristocratic Larkin sisters. They’re closely modeled on the real-life Mitford sisters. The six women’s divergent paths through life in the 1930s, 40s, and beyond kept the English people variously entertained and enraged. The noted journalist and author Ben MacIntyre describes them as “Diana the Fascist, Jessica the Communist, Unity the Hitler-lover; Nancy the Novelist; Deborah the Duchess and Pamela the unobtrusive poultry connoisseur.” They were an endless source of gossip and scandalous headlines.
In truth, two of the sisters (Diana and Unity) were close to Hitler. And Diana married Sir Oswald Mosley, the head of the British Union of Fascists. But Nancy and Jessica, both accomplished writers, were left-leaning. With such stranger-than-fiction models for her characters, Jo Walton could hardly be faulted for a too-vivid imagination in writing Ha-penny.
A personal note
I’m proud to say that I knew Jessica Mitford—she was better known as Decca—for a few years in the 1970s. Decca had moved to the USA early in life after her first husband died in World War II. She left the Communist Party not long after Khrushchev’s 1956 “Secret Speech” detailing Stalin’s crimes. By then, Decca had long since settled in Berkeley with her second husband, civil rights attorney Robert Treuhaft (a law partner of my late friend and long-time attorney). She was a brilliant social critic with a wicked, nonstop sense of humor. Decca wrote the widely acclaimed The American Way of Death pillorying the funeral industry.
About the author
Jo Walton is a Welsh-Canadian science fiction and fantasy author who has written a total of fifteen novels as well as nonfiction and books of essays, short stories, and poetry. One of her fantasy novels, Among Others, won both the Hugo and Nebula awards for best novel, and another won the World Fantasy Award. She has won numerous other awards for her science fiction work. Farthing, Ha’penny, and Half a Crown form the Farthing Trilogy. They were published in the years 2006 to 2008. Walton moved to Montreal after her first novel was published. She is married and has one child.
For related reading
For my review of the first book in the Farthing Trilogy, see Farthing—What if Nazi Germany had won the war? The third, Half a Crown, is at Jo Walton finds the present in an alternate history of the past.
My posts 5 top nonfiction books about World War II and 10 best alternate history novels may also interest you.
For a largely fact-based novel about the fascinating model for the Larkin sisters in this novel, see The Mitford Affair by Marie Benedict (Blundering through the 1930s with the notorious Mitford sisters).
For more good reading, check out:
- These novels won both Hugo and Nebula Awards
- The ultimate guide to the all-time best science fiction novels
- 10 top science fiction novels
- The top 10 dystopian novels
- 10 new science fiction authors worth reading now
And you can always find my most popular reviews, and the most recent ones, on the Home Page.
Mal, I read Farthing at your recommendation and then continued on with Ha’penny and Half a Crown (the cleverly named “Small Change” trilogy). It was without a doubt the reading experience of the year for me in 2022, when we were finally emerging from the pandemic. The central question she evokes, “who will we be in a time of crisis,” was resonant then and now as times of crisis seem to be all the more frequent. Thank you for you recommendation and thoughtful writing about these great books!
Thanks, Andrew. Great to know.